Electrostatic Dissipative Laminates
Electrostatic Dissipative Laminates

We all have experienced the effects of static electricity when clothes stick together, hair keep standing up, and of course, the lightening effect. But, do you know that static electricity is a serious industrial problem estimated to cause more than $5 billion in damages annually. Greenlam proudly presents Electrostatic Dissipative Laminates - a ground-breaking laminate solution that provides a safe and better environment for furniture or other surface applications in electrostatic high-risk areas. Inbuilt with a futuristic technology and electrostatic charges consumption formula, these laminates drain out static charges and minimise the risk of sparking or damage to sensitive appliances. Also they repel the dust particles from accumulating on the surface, thereby maintaining a clean and healthy workspace.

Product Details

SKU PERU1111111942
Product Category ESD Laminates
Design Name ESD Laminates
Finish Name Suede
Finish Code SUD
Thickness (mm) 0.7
Dimension (mm) 1220x2440
Dimension (ft) 4x8


Stain Resistant